We started a podcast! Have you ever felt like the carefully planned content you post on social media doesn't quite reflect the real story of your life? If so, you're not alone. Igniting You is a podcast that's all about sharing our testimony of God's blessings in the good AND the bad times. We started our podcast to share that life's blessings can be found in every aspect of our journey, so in this, I wanted to share insight into our decision to start a podcast and the power of saying "Yes" to God's call.
So, we all know that our visual world is dominated by picture-perfect Instagram feeds and success stories that make it seem like life is always a bed of roses. We wanted the Igniting You podcast to be a departure from that standard. Our podcast is dedicated to sharing our many stories of God's blessings that go beyond social media highlights. While many of us often see God's hand in the best moments of life, Igniting You is here to remind us that His blessings are present, even in the challenging and less-than-ideal times.
Our podcast stands as a testament to the fact that God's blessings are not confined to the mountaintop experiences, but can be found in the valleys and the shadows as well. By sharing our personal experiences, we hope to inspire, encourage, and ignite the faith of our listeners.
How Did Igniting You Come to Be?
The inception of Igniting You wasn't a random decision; it was a calling. After numerous promptings from God, we felt a strong conviction to share our faith journey with the world. These promptings came in various forms – through prayer, during devotional times, and those sleepless nights when God's voice seems the clearest. We want to encourage people to live their best life in Christ; and help them understand that often means taking bold steps of faith. Our journey is an embodiment of this very principle, saying "Yes" to God's leading even when our flesh was tempted to say "No."
The Power of Saying "Yes"
Our journey is packed with moments when fear and doubt tempted us to steer us away from our mission.Through unwavering faith, we said "Yes" to the call of doing daily devotions because we knew the power of staying rooted in God's Word. We said "yes" to leaving jobs because we knew God had a different path for us. We said "yes" to following Him wherever He goes, because we understood that the true blessings lie in obedience. We said "yes" to leaving behind a comfortable life, because God's plan often challenges our comfort zones. We said "yes" to allowing the Holy Spirit to make us uncomfortable, because that's where growth and transformation happen.
Igniting You is a testament to the power of faith, the strength of saying "Yes" to God's call, and the beauty of finding God's blessings in every season of life. We want our podcasts, blogs, and other services to serve as reminders that your testimony, no matter how ordinary or challenging, can ignite the faith of others and help them find God's blessings in their own journeys. So, if you've ever felt like your life doesn't quite fit the picture-perfect mold of social media, don’t let that stop you from sharing your journey (the good, the bad and the ugly).
Check out our podcast here!